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McGill English Dictionary of Rhyme & Verse Perfect
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McGill English Dictionary of Rhyme & Verse Perfect

Free Used by over one-hundred thousand writers, educators, students, aspiring poets
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Bryant McGill
License type:
1 / 2
Used by 3 people
Download link is unavailable since the product is discontinued

This is a 'must have' for any musician, writer or lyricist! No doubt, there will be statesmen and government copywriters using this program for speech writing (if they aren't already!). This software is a 'no-brainer' for inclusion into school programs and as an adjunct tool within the curriculum; it is simple enough to be used at the grade school and high school levels and provides such advanced features that university students will benefit greatly by using it as well! This very well may be the 'killer app.' of the lyrical world and it's FREE!

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I like this Dictionary. It has helped me a lot with my poetry.

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